Quick UNC support hack?

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Sat Nov 3 02:27:24 CST 2001

I ran into a situation where partial UNC support would be
helpful and easy.  Visual Sourcesafe runs well under Wine
if I map \\vssServer\vssDir to a drive letter.  Unfortunately,
our administrator has the line
  journal_file = \\vssServer\vssDir\foo.txt
in the sourcesafe config file.  This causes an error dialog box
"Bad DOS filename \\vssServer\vssDir\foo.txt".

If Wine handled UNC paths as follows:
  Given a UNC path \\foo\bar, 
  look at /etc/mtab for a matching smbfs mount.  
  If one is found, look at .wine/config for a drive letter mapped to that mount.  
  If one is found, convert the UNC path to be relative to that drive letter.
I wouldn't get that error box.  I dunno, but maybe this is worth doing;
it might help a few other apps.

I don't have time to code it myself at the moment; just thought I'd
mention the idea.  Maybe I'll try coding it sometime in my copious
spare time, but don't hold your breath :-)

- Dan

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