wine iexplore.exe

Stefan Leichter Stefan.Leichter at
Sun Oct 7 10:46:12 CDT 2001

Jørgen Heesche wrote:

> Warning: /usr/bin/winedbg.exe not accessible from a configured DOS drive
> Warning: /usr/bin/winedbg not accessible from a configured DOS drive

looks like a missing [Drive X] entry in ~/.wine/config to me.

[ snip ]

> How can I fix the problem concerning the dll's and why is winedbg not
> starting?.

copy the 4 shell dlls (shell.dll, shell32.dll, shfolder.dll, shlwapi.dll) 
from an existing installation into your system directory and run wine with 
the option -dll shell,shell32,shfolder,shlwapi=n

> /usr/bin/winedbg is a symbolic link to wine and in the file

Take care that the file exists in the same directory

Tschüß Stefan

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