fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout - incorrect message text?

Andriy Palamarchuk apa3a_no_ads at
Sun Sep 9 16:38:22 CDT 2001

Hello everybody,

   when I start Wine I get this FIXME message:

fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was not 
Using closest match instead (Russian keyboard layout) for scancode mapping.
Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
See documentation/keyboard for more information

The last line of the error message suggests to look in 
documentation/keyboard for more information. Currently there is no such 
file in this directory and corresponding information is in file 
Should we use documentation/configuring in the error message?

Andriy Palamarchuk

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