WinME, Win2000: status

Sergey V. Udaltsov sergey.oudaltsov at
Fri Sep 28 08:32:35 CDT 2001

> Probably the Win2k ole32 is calling system functions
> in ntdll (probably) that are not implemented by Wine.
Yes. According to the error messages it is.

> OTOH, Notepad itself probably only does standard
> calls to Ole32, calls that are sufficiently well emulated
> by Wine.
It seems to be so. "Sufficiently well" is the word:)

> So Notepad by itself works, but not if it tries to load
> system Ms dlls. This is a pretty common situation, btw.
Now I see...

> It is even normal : IMHO Wine's primary goal is not to
> use Ms software, (wmvare and other similar products are
> already doing that), but to run Win32 applications without
> Ms system software.
I know and appreciate this. I just did not know Wine is mature enough to
run notepad.exe with builtins :)...

Anyway, thanks for comments.


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