invalid adress when using winedbg

Sylvain Petreolle spetreolle at
Mon Aug 26 11:39:58 CDT 2002

running winedbg manually to debug a program,
it says that an adress is invalid when trying to set breakpoints.

here is my cmdline:
$ winedbg iexplore.exe (happens with all programs)
fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x403a1d30,1) - no error checking
or testing yet
WineDbg starting on pid 84509d8
Breakpoint 1 at 0x00401ee6
Invalid address, can't set breakpoint
You can turn on deferring breakpoints by address by setting
$CanDeferOnBPByAddr to 1
Loaded debug information from ELF 'wine' (0x00000000)

what could I do to debug this ?

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