Still no luck on command line parse

lawson_whitney at lawson_whitney at
Sun Feb 3 11:45:12 CST 2002

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Francois Gouget wrote:

>    This seems all very logical and I am pleased to note that native and
> builtin msvcrt behave identically. Note that your test above should
> really print GetCommandLine() too.
lcc-win uses crtdll, and I don't have a usable one of those, but builtin
crtdll forwards everything anyway, and it actually works with native
msvcrt if you ask it to.
>    Well, the thing you have to understand is that Windows and Unix
> handle things very differently. On Unix the new process does not receive
> a command line but a string array. Argc/argv just point to that data. On
> Windows the new process receives a single string which is the raw
> command line.
>    So what happens in Wine is that when a process invokes CreateProcess?
> The command line is broken up into argc/argv, passed down to exec, then
> the Wine startup code rebuilds the command line from there. If your
> process has a main then it gets the original argc/argv (almost, Wine
> still has to remove the wine specific options), and if it has a WinMain,
> then it gets the rebuilt command line.

main gets it as constructed by the C runtime, isn't it?

>    And if you invoke Wine from the command line or from any Unix
> process, there is no 'original commandline'. But Wine will rebuild one
> from argc/argv just like it always does. Now, the only information loss
> is at the level of the spaces between the arguments on the command line.
> See this email for more details:
> > Unlike the unix shell, they only preserve spaces
> > in an argument quoted by \", and treat " as an ordinary character.
>    Not true. Here is a test I did in Windows:
> c:\>main.exe "quoted string"
> GetCommandLine=[main.exe "quoted string"]
> main -> argc=2
> 0 [main.exe]
> 1 [quoted string]
> c:\>main.exe \"quoted string\"
> GetCommandLine=[main.exe \"quoted string\"]
> main -> argc=3
> 0 [main.exe]
> 1 ["quoted]
> 2 [string"]
>    Windows handles " and \" just like the Unix shells do.
In effect that is the same as the unix shell + wine, I think.
>    See also:
> --
> Francois Gouget         fgouget at
>                 Linux: It is now safe to turn on your computer.
Hmmm, I think I see the problem:

[whit at giftie cmdl]$ wine /gp/windose/Program\ Files/cmdl.exe
/"/gp/windose/Program Files/cmdl.exe"/
arg 0: //gp/windose/Program Files/cmdl.exe/
[whit at giftie cmdl]$ wine 'c:\Program Files\cmdl.exe'  'hi there'
/"c:\Program Files\cmdl.exe" "hi there"/
arg 0: /c:\Program Files\cmdl.exe/
arg 1: /hi there/
[whit at giftie cmdl]$

Wine will let you run a program by its unix path, but if you do the
program will see in GetCommandLine and argv[0] a path it can't make
sense of.  I'm not at all sure that's a bug, but it might not be
intuitive to somebody accustomed to windose.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <win.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        printf("arg %d: /%s/\n", i, argv[i]);

lcclnk.exe just hangs if you miss an include.  I'd rather see "implicit
definition" or "Undefined reference" any day.


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