searching older version of wine for putty with telnet

Ekkard Gerlach ekkardgerlach at
Sun Apr 27 15:27:26 CDT 2003

* Ekkard Gerlach schrieb:
> I'm searching a older version of wine that
> was running putty in *telnet* mode. Can somebody
> tell me which version that was? 

I was asked why not using a xterm. The answer is
easy: linux is so complicated in keytabs that in 
every Linux distribution (Suse) the keytab-mapping 
changes vor F1-F4 and shift-F1 - shift-F4. I nearly
impossible for a normal none-key-freak to adapt 
the settings with each distribution. putty on 
wine is the solution. I don't know how, but 
putty makes all right with any distribution I tested
so far with ssh-connection. In some cases I 
unfortunately need telnet
because Suse-Server is so old that it doesn't 
understand ssh. 

please help: which wine-Version runs putty with 


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