Various problems- it just gets worse!

Shachar Shemesh wine-devel at
Mon Jun 30 11:47:11 CDT 2003

Duane Clark wrote:

> I do understand the aversion to scripts, but the wineinstall one is 
> fairly mild. I've been using Wine for more than 3 years and have even 
> done some development on it (I wish I had more time for that... sigh). 
> Still, if I want to test with a clean install, I delete or move the 
> old windows and .wine directories and just use wineinstall to create 
> fresh versions. Because, well, it just works so well and is a lot 
> easier than doing the configuration by hand.

My beef with wineinstall is that there is no way to isolate the 
configuration creation part from the install part. I think we should 
have a script that does only the configuration, fake root and registry 
creation. This way, the script can be bundled with the package and 
placed on the destination machine. such a script should be runnable 
without the sources dir (maybe by specifying the location of the 
template registry and such via command line, maybe created by ./configure).

This way, the order CAN be "./configure, make depend, make, make 
install, createconf" for normal install. Packagers can then do 
"./configure --templatedir=/usr/share/wine --prefix=/usr (etc) && make 
depend && make && TMPDIR=/tmp/winerpmroot make install", and run 
"createconf" from the "postinstall" section of the RPM sort of thing.



Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
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