Wine install fails - dependency problem, but how to fix?

Lee Schlesinger lee at
Wed Sep 10 08:47:55 CDT 2003

Folks, I'm trying to install wine-20030813-SL7.2.i386.rpm on a SuSE
8.2 box. I've fixed all my failed dependencies except for This code is part of an alsa library. I have a more
recent version of the library installed, which means I have I set up a symbolic link using the command ln -s, but neither Kpackage nor the rpm
command in a console window recognizes the link - I still get failed
dependencies: is needed by wine-20030813-1. I tried
using the --nodeps flag on the RPM command - that didn't work either.
I considered installing an older version of the alsa library, but I
have other programs that need Any advice?

Lee Schlesinger

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