Corrupted file problem Wine20040613,20040505 with Xilinx XST 6.2i

Oliver Oli1417 at
Thu Jun 17 13:21:15 CDT 2004


I've created Bug #2292, with the previous explanations and the 
log-files attached. 

Using winedbg I can quite close drive to the place where the problem happens.
I've added an debugging session log in the bug report, which shows what's
going on. 

I used the 20040505 winedbg due to the problems with the current version. 
I think I need the debugger, because otherwise with all the debug output
that's produced until the place it's not very practical.

Perhaps it's still necessary to trace some places in more detail ?! 
Any suggestions are welcome! 

> What I meant to say was that as a start +relay is good enough.
> Additional +file,+ntdll can be added later if you know what to look for.

With +file, +ntdll it was ok, actually. But I think it's the +relay which
produce to much output ?! You also can see that partially in the logs ?!

Cheers, Oliver

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