[Wine]broken links after update to FC3

Timothy Payne tim at tmpco.com
Sun Nov 14 20:08:32 CST 2004

[timothy at localhost dosdevices]$ ln -s /mnt/floppy a:
ln: `a:': File exists
[timothy at localhost dosdevices]$ ln -s /dev/fd0 a::
ln: `a::': File exists
[timothy at localhost dosdevices]$ ln -s /mnt/cdrom r:
ln: `r:': File exists
[timothy at localhost dosdevices]$

[timothy at localhost dosdevices]$ ls
a:  a::  c:  r:  r::  z:
[timothy at localhost dosdevices]$

But they don't work and have a red box around them, I assume that means
it is broken. z and c work OK.

Wine 20040914

Shameless plug for my
brother-in-laws Irish band

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