[Wine](no subject)

Joris Huizer jorishuizer at planet.nl
Fri Sep 24 16:46:09 CDT 2004

Arda Ataerkil wrote:
>  hi.
> i m new user Linux redhat.
>  jop is Graphic Desgner.
>  i want to shot Win Xp enought for virus and all bad thinks.
>  but i need to use photoshop, flash, and other soft working with Windows.
>  and
> i learned yesterday "wine" is makeing work with linux this software.
>  is it true.
> i try to download it . but couldent find anywhere.
> could you give mea link . where ami download it.
> At your site too much packages . could you give to me a link all 
> packages at 1 download file.
> couse  i m newer user to diffucult do set up and download it for me at now.
> Regards.

Unless someone who knows about redhat jumps in on this (I see there are 
indeed *far* too many choices there) :

http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/Wine-20040914.tar.gz?download to 
your home directory, open an xterm, and
  tar xzf Wine-20040914.tar.gz && cd wine-20040914 && ./tools/wineinstall
that'll install wine for you

Than after that's done (it'll take some time!) go to 
http://www.frankscorner.org/ and lookup on photoshop and flash software;

Note that it's recommended to use linux tools whenever available; wine 
is still alpha software and many windows programs won't work well yet.



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