[Wine]Freelancer Gameserver - DirectPlay problem

TimeFX TimeFX at IceFinch.net
Wed Apr 6 11:16:16 CDT 2005

Hello together.

I'm trying to run a windows application on wine the first time. I got latest 
wine CVS and the Freelancer server program (it's a gui program, not console) 
works so far. The problem is that the server uses DirectPlay: he isn't able 
to connect to the list-server and he isn't able to set up the listening 

command line:  DISPLAY=:0 WINEDEBUG=+winsock wine FLServer.exe /c /p2302 

builtin DirectPlay
fixme:msvcrt:_setmbcp Unreal codepages (e.g. -3) not implemented
fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface 
{5102dace-241b-11d3-aea7-006097b01411} of class 
{da825e1b-6830-43d7-835d-0b5ad82956a2}, hres is 0x80040111

native dpnet.dll, native dpnaddr.dll
fixme:msvcrt:_setmbcp Unreal codepages (e.g. -3) not implemented
fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x1 (nil)
trace:winsock:WSAStartup verReq=101
trace:winsock:WSAStartup succeeded
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x2 (nil)
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x3 (nil)
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x2 (nil)
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x2 (nil)
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x2 (nil)
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment 
from 0x2 to 0x0
trace:winsock:WS_socket af=2 type=2 protocol=0
trace:winsock:WSASocketA af=2 type=2 protocol=0 protocol_info=(nil) group=0 
trace:winsock:WSASocketW af=2 type=2 protocol=0 protocol_info=(nil) group=0 
trace:winsock:WSASocketW        created 017c
trace:winsock:WS_bind socket 017c, ptr 0x43572bb8 { family 2, address, port 0 }, length 16
trace:winsock:WS_getsockname socket: 017c, ptr 0x43572bb8, len       10
trace:winsock:WS_closesocket socket 017c
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x2 (nil)
trace:winsock:DllMain 0x42ba0000 0x3 (nil)


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