No subject

Tue Aug 30 17:37:41 CDT 2005

is called from your application, not from wine code.
In 9 out of 10 cases this would be done within the handling of some
message, in this case for instance a WM_MOUSEMOVE or WM_LBUTTONDOWN
message. Here that seems not to be the case. That would make a
backtrace from within this call interesting.


> Maybe someone can get something out of that.. I've been comparing them
> for the past 30 minutes and I can't see anything significant...
> Interesting x11drv returns a different GetCurPos()
> The 2nd Get QueueStatus after the 2nd WM_LBUTTONUP has a different
> reval=00040000 on the "bad", where the "good" is reval=00060000"

Both report a MOUSEBUTTON message in the queue, the "good" one reports
MOUSEMOVE messages as well. That doesn't look significant. 

> I wouldn't know where to go from here, but maybe it'll help someone
> else. I can run comparisons for anyone if they'd like, though I never
> figured out how to save a trace to a file, > didn't work, so I'm just
> scrolling now :/

You could try to look for the WM_CAPTURECHANGED messages. This message
is sent when a window looses the capture. If I understand you
correctly you think that your problem is that this doesn't happen,
while in the old situation it did. If you have access to the spy++
program, run it under windows and compare the messages between wine
and windows.

Rein Klazes
rklazes at

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