[Wine]Deadlocks in Powerpoint 2000

Thomas Serries t.serries at lvm.de
Thu Jul 14 05:02:16 CDT 2005


I'm trying to run MS-Office under wine. As lang as I'm running the
applications from ${HOME}/.wine everything is working to my liking. But
when I try to put the .wine-directory to an other place I get problems with

I tested a lot to get Word and Excel running when installed in a read-only
directory. I used some symbolic links to place files and directories, which
need to be writeable, in adequate palces (some where in ${HOME}). Currently
the installation is working fine for Word and Excel. But when I try tp open
a Powerpoint presentation (via the file open dialog) wine hangs with the
following message (repeated continously):

err:syslevel:_EnterSysLevel (0x6a756f60, level 2): Holding 0x2e9ec8c0,
level 3. Expect deadlock!

Opening the presentation via commandline is working fine.

I tried to figure out, if there are still problems with file permissons and
straced wine (strace -f -e trace=open ${WINE} ...). Nothing suspicious!

EXCEPT: Powerpoint does not hang! It still leads to tons of the deadlock
message (see above). Even just moving the mouse inside of Powerpoint
produces these messages.  But its still reacting.

Does anyone have experience with "central" installations of MS-Office or
those deadlock messages. Any hint may help.

Thanks a lot for your attention.

Thomas Serries

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