[Wine] Re: How to masquerade as Administrator?

Molle Bestefich molle.bestefich at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 17:02:01 CST 2005

cdr wrote:
> > Of course, I WILL be rejoicing when the day comes that someone with a
> > brain figures out that the entire "applications which the user run
> > should have the same privileges as the user h(im/er)self" was an
> > extremely bad idea.
> It was not a bad idea at all.

In the same way that nationalsocialism probably started out as a good
idea, no, it probably did not seem like a bad idea to begin with.

> Administrator modifies the Operating System, ordinary user runs
> applications.

Presumably the guy who is Administrator will want to run applications too.

The user guy may also want to do some tasks that require privileges in
the administrative domain, eg. on Linux that would be burning a CDROM,
use the sound hardware or restart a web server.  He'll accomplish that
with an ugly hack like setuid, or with 'su'.  Gah.

> The brain deficit is in evidence when the user is
> left in a quandry which of the two a given software component is.

I don't follow you.

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