[Wine] Re: MDL ISIS Draw 2.5 + AutoNom2000 in WINE = need help

Renanr renan at bogus.nil
Sun Jun 25 16:25:05 CDT 2006

Daniel Skorka <skorka at gmx.net> writes:

> Did you look at the sources?

No, I didn't. But I solved the problem other way, installed it (ISIS
Draw + AutoNom2000) under Windows on a FAT32 partition and then ran it
from there. Seems to work OK enough (didn't do deeper testing).

Thanks, Renan(tm)  | "What I need is a MATURE RELATION-
Canoas, RS, Brazil |  SHIP with a FLOPPY DISK..."
LRU#390969         |  -- Zippy the Pinhead
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