[Bulk] Re: [Wine] PowerDVD 4.0: unimplemented function MFC42.DLL.6467 called in 32-bit code

Bojan Antonovic bojan at antonovic.com
Thu Sep 28 15:17:51 CDT 2006

Uwe Bonnes schrieb:
> Bojan> I was able to install PowerDVD 4.0 by overriding mfc42.dll. So I
>     Bojan> could close bug 6067.
> Wine doesn't provide mfc.
> So you have a mismatch in you versions of MFC42. Try to fix that. 
Wine doesn't provide mfc. So PowerDVD 4.0 is not installable. Therefore 
I *had* to organize it from somewhere. So installation works now. My 
/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 shows only one mfc dll.

My question is: What should I fix now?


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