[Wine] Re: installing on a different partition

Darren Wilkinson spamtrap at spamtrap.spamtrap
Mon Mar 19 00:50:07 CDT 2007

ats1080s at gmail.com wrote:
> i just installed linux about 4 days ago...what does that mean?  i cd'ed
> to the .wine directory and it did the same thing.  im lost.
IIRC you've mentioned that you installed wine from an rpm in another post so the 
../configure stuff really is irrelevant for now and I wouldn't try installing to 
anything but where the installer chooses to put it. In linux if a file is put in 
a certain place it is usually in that place for a reason. The /home folder can 
be thought of as like the "Documents and Settings" or "My Documents" folders in 

Although a full 10GB root is still odd for a 4 day old install that 10GB-212GB / 
and /home partition split seems *very* uneven usless you have a big reason for 
such a huge /home. The one thing you may want to do is  resize your /home 
partition to something lower like 170GB and reinstall linux with a bigger / 

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