[Wine] thermocalc in Wine

david56783 at gmail.com david56783 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 00:51:18 CDT 2007


I am trying to get Thermocalc(meant to be run on win NT) to run on
Ubuntu 6.10.

I am using the command: wine tc

I get the Error message:
 *** ERROR  1718 IN MLOPEN
 Protection file missing

I am not sure if this error message is from Wine or thermocalc.

The batch file is as listed:
@echo off

SET TCPATH=C:/home/waldo/TC in NT/TC4A/verm/nt

if exist %1 goto take_input


goto end


%tcpath%\tcl.exe < %1 %2 %3



Any recommendations to fix the error and run thermocalc under linux
using wine?

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