[Wine] Re: Help creating a shortcut in wine

dank daniel.r.kegel at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 09:20:39 CDT 2007

On Mar 14, 6:09 pm, mike.clark... at baesystems.com wrote:
> Can anyone help me with how to create a windows shortcut in wine? I
> want to create windows shortcuts on a Linux box that windows clients
> can then access. I'm trying to use wine to allow me to create the
> shortcut on the Linux box. I'm using the wine-0.9.31 version of wine
> on Fedora Core 5. I've tried two approaches, both fail.
> I've tried using an autohotkey script. This script runs in wine and
> creates a shortcut, but the shortcut has no target, and wine returns
> the below fixme error. This script works fine on a windows box.
> Here is the script:
>    #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future
> AutoHotkey releases.
>    SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior
> speed and reliability.
>    ; %1% (argument #1) - shortcut target (include the full absolute
> path)
>    ; %2% (argument #2) - name of the shortcut, include the .lnk
> extension
>    ; check to make sure that the correct # of parameters were passed
> in
>    if %0% < 2
>    {
>      MsgBox This script requires 2 parameters but received %0%.
>      ExitApp
>    }
>    FileCreateShortcut, %1%, %2%
> Here is the error:
>    Z:\home\mike>"C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe"
> create_shortcut.ahk "Z:\home\mike\test.txt" "shortcut_test.txt.lnk"
>    Z:\home\mike>fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented
> My other approach was to use VBScript to create a shortcut. See
> Bugzilla Bug 7659 on http://bugs.winehq.org/

Please file this as a bug (or as a comment to bug 7659).
Can you explain your network setup a bit?  Are you
running this script on a Samba server with Windows clients attached?
- Dan

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