[Wine] Re: autocad 2008 and wine rc 4

Timeout wineforum-user at winehq.org
Tue Jun 10 03:12:24 CDT 2008

miciomax wrote:
> So, if you have a license, what you can do by now is re-install the demo after the 30 days... I don't think there are legal issues as long as you own a license.

I think this won't stay long. As soon as it gets working in Wine and you just have to reinstall every 30 days to have an unlimited demo, you won't ever have to pay a license.

On a side note, I think this is assuming 2 things:
The demo is not unlocked online
There is no entry in a boot sector.

As far as my version of Flexnet is concerned I noticed a couple of things:

Without a license, it is working in demo (limited) mode. This is however not usable for a professional use.
If you have a floating license, it accepts the license and turns in unlimited 30 days trial FOR EACH NEW PREFIX.
The hassle is a new installation every 30 days. I think here the fact that the flexnet is trying to create a dll is a time stamp.
For a flexible License, Wine can recognize the ethernet serial ID but not the one of the mainboard so you should not use a license with reference to the mainboard ID.
Licensing with a number is only valid for 1-2 installations. You get quickly stuck if you are using a serial number. because if Wine crashes and you don't give the license back, it's blocked.

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