[Wine] Re: autocad 2008 and wine rc 4

Timeout wineforum-user at winehq.org
Fri Jun 13 01:58:40 CDT 2008

I can't file a bug for this, because to run such a big memory I have to access to the 30 days full version and this was last possible on 0.9.59 (due now to the error on the license manager). 
I thought about multithreading because during the installation I get a message that it can't switch to mutithreading and goes to apartment threading.

Apart from the size of the memory it was working OK (with big text and small memory OK).

Never mind, when your license manager problem will be fixed, mine will be very likely too.
(note a regression test didn't bring the result I wanted to, because it showed only 1 problems, several things seemed to get broken at the same time - events and assemblies)

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