[Wine] Mailing list <-> forum gateway

Ove Kaaven ovek at arcticnet.no
Wed Mar 5 21:55:56 CST 2008

James McKenzie skrev:
> Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:
>> Mailing list now getting clogged up with beginners questions.
> At one time WE all were beginners.

Actually, I can't recall that I was ever a "beginner" in this sense. I 
remember downloading Wine and toying with it, trying to get stuff to 
run, looking through the source code to figure out what was wrong, and 
then submitting patches. I can't remember ever asking newbie questions 
on the newsgroup (yeah, newsgroup, this was before the mailing lists - 
and I think I was involved when they were created). Then again, my 
memory could be faulty, I suppose.

But I'm pretty sure Alexandre wasn't much of a nuisance to the Wine 
developers when he started out...

Looking through the current state of wine-users, I'd too agree that the 
quality of the list has dropped through the floor. Even those forum 
users who appear diligent about giving helpful and informative answers 
to other forum users, are clueless half the time and occasionally even 
propagate misinformation.

The other day, I did almost reply to a forum user with a more 
interesting question than most, but decided against it - it being more 
interesting didn't really make it less ignorant, and trying to answer 
his question *without* also using offensive words wasn't really worth 
the possible risk of ulcer.

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