[Wine] What constitutes a good backtrace?

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Sat Mar 8 13:28:41 CST 2008

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 11:22 AM, Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Does this mean run it again but use +relay in the command line?


> If so could you give the correct format? I just tried this I found in
>  Google:
>  WINEDEBUG=+relay ./Wine-0.9.57/wine-0.9.57/wine "D:\setup.exe"
>  &>~mark/Desktop/wine-LH_log2.txt
>  but the output file is large, 45K lines. Maybe you want me to use some
>  -OPTION things to make that smaller?

No, you got it right!  To make it smaller, compress it, e.g. with gzip.

>  When I get down around the failure this is what I see:
>  0015:Call winedos.inport(00000061,00000001) ret=7ee3f94e
>  0015:Ret  winedos.inport() retval=00000020 ret=7ee3f94e
>  0015:Call winedos.outport(00000061,00000001,00000021) ret=7ee3f7c8
>  0015:Ret  winedos.outport() retval=00000001 ret=7ee3f7c8
>  0015:Call winedos.outport(00000061,00000001,00000020) ret=7ee3f7c8
>  0015:Ret  winedos.outport() retval=00000000 ret=7ee3f7c8
>  0015:Call winedos.inport(00000042,00000001) ret=7ee3f94e
>  0015:Ret  winedos.inport() retval=00000091 ret=7ee3f94e
>  0015:Call winedos.inport(00000042,00000001) ret=7ee3f94e
>  0015:Ret  winedos.inport() retval=000000ff ret=7ee3f94e
>  0015:Call KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilter(7e470f10) ret=7ef96573
> wine: Unhandled division by zero at address 0x127f:0x00009de9 (thread
>  0015), starting debugger...

Getting there.  You might want to add +seh to show more info about
the exception.  But this is kind of looking like it's going to be hard to
fix, the crash seems to be happening in 16 bit app code.

What app is this?  Please give us the link to the bug report when you're done.
- Dan

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