[Wine] Wine has improved a lot!

James Colannino james at colannino.org
Mon Mar 10 01:36:19 CDT 2008

I hope I'm not wasting bandwidth with this, but I just had to compliment
the developers of Wine for the work that's been done.  Wine has gotten
to the point now where just about anything I've thrown at it works
either out of the box, or with minimal tweaking.

I remember when it used to be really difficult or nearly impossible to
get many applications to run with Wine, but now the opposite seems to be
true.  I can't even begin to imagine how much work must go into
reproducing the Windows API.

Because of Wine, I've been able to use the only two commercial
applications I've ever had to buy in years because they filled a unique
niche on my Linux machine instead of having to install another OS.

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to the developers of this amazing project.

My blog: http://www.crazydrclaw.com/
My homepage: http://james.colannino.org/

"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will
command the attention of the world." --George Washington Carver

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