[Wine] Bryce 5.5 once ran, before update.

dirkmitt wineforum-user at winehq.org
Wed Mar 26 20:33:34 CDT 2008

In the application database, there is a revue according to which Bryce 5.5 does not run under WINE. But not having looked at the AppDB first, I went ahead and installed Bryce 5.5 some months ago, which ran fine under WINE 0.9.44 or some such version...

Here is an old screenshot of the app, which has been used to render a tree on the Linux Box. (Kanotix 2006-RC4)

[Image: http://www.dirkmittler.com/Bryce_WINE.jpg ]

But since I've upgraded to a newer version of WINE, the startup behaviour of Bryce has become, to paint the screen, but then to let most of the GUI turn black. Bryce is one application, which will use windows that have no visible borders on the desktop. And the GUI seems to appear for a split second, only to disappear after the document / render window has been painted. Here's the new screenshot:

[Image: http://www.dirkmittler.com/Bryce5_5.jpg ]

I suspect that what has happened, is that since the application database was last added to by a tester, newer versions of WINE will run Bryce 5.5 .  But in an even more recent version of WINE, I suspect that ambitious reprogramming of GUI-related code has resulted in some kind of layer miscount. Thus, I feel that this problem is GUI-related and not .NET related, which is what the tester wrote instead. Also, the rendered scene is still on my Linux Box / home WINE directory. But now that the GUI can't be clicked, Bryce 5.5 is temporarily unable to produce any more scenes or render them under WINE 0.9.58 .

Also, I find that the Bugzilla people just tend to ignore this sort of bug report. Will this ever get noticed or fixed?


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