[Wine] Ubuntu Hardy + Wine + WoW = corrupted graphics

Michael Peek peek at tiem.utk.edu
Thu May 8 21:05:39 CDT 2008

Tlarhices wrote:
> If you are under hardy, you can try by stopping compiz.

The game runs now, and doesn't interfere with the rest of the desktop, 
which is awesome!

Now all I have to do is find a fix for this last problem.  It's a 
problem that's plagued me since Gutsy, and ultimately the reason that I 
fouled my beloved laptop by installing Windows in the first place:


I have these artifacts where items and characters in the game are white 
silhouettes, and the map doesn't work.  I have heard that both of these 
problems are in the video driver for x11 for Intel-based video cards.  
Is this true?  Or by chance does someone here know a solution to this too?

The game runs fine in -d3d, but of course it's s-l-o-w...


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