[Wine] Steam with Wine

Xephrey wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu May 15 00:37:57 CDT 2008

I have read over and over about people having the same issues with Steam in wine - none of them had the new rc 1.0, but I'm still experiencing the same problems - the frame rate issues, as well as the weird green textures in the start-up screen. Anyway... everyone says its DirectX 9.0's fault, and to run it under 8.0. The problem is... I only have a shortcut for Steam, and the system, for some reason, wont let me create individual shortcuts for Portal, HL2E2, etc... and thats the only way I know of to change those parameters is in the command shortcut dialogue. 

Can someone help me out with this one? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



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