[Wine] Re: Direct3d with ATI Radeon Problem

vitamin wineforum-user at winehq.org
Fri May 16 20:40:54 CDT 2008

Inevitab13 wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble running 3d apps including the Direct3d test in Dxdiag under wine. I think that the problem is that dxdiag displays my Graphics card as this:
> X11 Windowing System
> This is obviously wrong because I am running this on a Radeon 2600 Pro.
> When I try to run the Direct3d test It just crashes Wine. I am running the latest 8.04 Ubuntu with the Latest Fglrx Graphics drivers.
> Could someone Please Help!?

dxdiag is a really bad testing program. Also that does not come with Wine which means you installed native directx - really bad idea.

However ATI drivers have lots of problems in general. And in latest few  Wine versions there is a regression that might break some programs on Wine.

So if you have a real program (dxdiag not included) you can start from telling us what's the problem you have with it?

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