[Wine] [Wiki] Possible error in documentation wineboot

Austin English austinenglish at gmail.com
Sat May 24 22:28:45 CDT 2008

On 5/24/08, shakaran <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
> In a mail today of me to Dan Kegel
> Code:
>> I need this page http://winehq.org/site/sending_patches in a wiki page for
>> edit and translate it.
>> Because now I can not edit this page.
> You can edit it by sending in a patch, if you're comfortable with git.
> See http://winehq.org/site/git and look for website.git.
> Or you can just turn it into a wiki page, but that's a pain.
> To whom should I obey Austin?
You can do either, but the wiki is easier to maintain, and IMHO,
moving documentation to it, then setting up a redirect on
winehq.org/site/git would be a better idea.

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