[Wine] Wine and NTFS detection

eldiablo wineforum-user at winehq.org
Fri May 30 02:10:15 CDT 2008

Hello everyone !

I'm trying to convince my employer to install one Linux distro (probably Ubuntu) on most of the company's computers. To manage to convince him, I need to be able to run two programs : Thunderbird and TIP Integral.

For Thunderbird, I won't have to seek hours, I think you'll agree with me  [Wink]

For TIP Integral (http://updates.tipgroup.com/file.php?file=v94/TIP-Integral.exe), things starts to be more complicated. Installation of Wine and of TIP is running well, no problem. But when I'm launching the installed application, the following message appears : "The file system storing the accounts local settings ( C: ) must be 'NTFS'! This application cannot run while it is 'NTFS'. Use the Windows convert utility to upgrade : ..."

The program is checking, for an unknown reason, that C: is an NTFS partition. I haven't found how I can convince him that it's well the case. I tried to create an NTFS partition, that I used as C: in Wine, without success.

Does anyone has an idea ?
Thanks in advance for your help.

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