[Wine] Shift/ALT/CTRL keys sticking in Wine...

mjuad wineforum-user at winehq.org
Sat Oct 4 16:58:32 CDT 2008

I am using Wine in Freebsd 6.3-RELEASE and everything seemed to be running flawlessly until I began using a development tool we use on a project I'm working on, NuSphere PHPEd.  I don't think that is the problem, however, because it seems to do it everywhere.  Basically, I can begin typing and the Shift/ALT keys work fine until I press them about 4-5 times.  Not in a row...4-5 times period, whether they're separated by 1 or 100 other keys.  It reminds me of the "Sticky Keys" feature in windows, but that is only turned on after pressing the Shift key 5 times in a row.

Has anyone else had this problem or know how I can fix it?  If you need any more information on my setup to help, just ask.


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