[Wine] Serial port stopped working under wine!

Martin Gregorie martin at gregorie.org
Thu Mar 26 11:04:55 CDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 10:04 -0500, sv1cdn wrote:
> vitamin wrote:
> > Check permissions on /dev/ttyS0. One of the latest updates had something to do with HAL(dbus) default permissions.
> Thank you! Could you help me a bit more, I am kind of new. In /dev/ you want me to get an ls -la for ttyS0 ?
The following has been tested for Fedora 8 but should also work with any
Linux distro that uses udev to manage devices or runs the contents of
the /etc/rc.d/rc.local script during the boot process.

The problem was that the standard serial ports /dev/ttyS* and the USB
serial ports /dev/ttyUSB* are owned by root and by default only give
read and write access to their owner and the 'uucp' group. This means
that a normal user can't run programs that access them.

I know two solutions: 

1) The kludge. Add the command 

	chmod uga+rw /dev/tty[A-Z]*

   into /etc/rd.d/rc.local

   By default this script is run as part of the boot process
   but contains nothing except comments saying when it is run
   and what it is for.

2) A cleaner solution. Add an overriding rule to the UDEV rules set.
   These are run at boot time to set up the device files in /dev.
   Add the following file to /etc/udev/rules.d and make sure it is
   owned by root.root and has "rw-r--r--" permissions. Here's the file:

=========== /etc/udev/rules.d/51-local.rules ==========================
# Locally defined rules.

# Give world read/write access to ttyS* and ttyUSB* serial devices
KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*", GROUP="uucp", MODE="0666"


   You may need to change the file name, which must not overwrite or
   modify an existing file and MUST follow the file containing a
   rule that sets the serial ports mode to "0660". Run 

	grep 'KERNEL=="tty[A-Z]*"' /etc/udev/rules.d/*

   to check which file that is. In my system its in
   /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules but other distros may differ.
   Your new file must start with a number that's higher than that of the
   file containing the default rule.


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