[Wine] Use of wordpad on wine software applications

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 18 09:09:35 CST 2009

DaVince wrote:
>Nessy wrote:
>> Because it is a complex file, with tables, etc. and word pad doesn't keep the same format, if not for me was the same.
>> Do you have any idea about?
>> Thanks
>I think he meant to ask why you don't simply install OpenOffice for Linux... It's the same program that should be able
>to open the same things the same way as OpenOffice for Windows...
OpenOffice had difficulties working with RTF files for a long time.  This may or may not have been corrected as I'm not tracking the Issuezilla at OpenOffice.org.

I recommend a compromise.  Wine should first look for an installation of OpenOffice.org, either Linux or Windows.  If this is not found, then it should use Wordpad.  Lacking this, and I don't know why Wordpad would not be present, then the user is told that there is no program available to work with RTF files.

What do you think about this as a solution to the problem?

James McKenzie

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