[Wine] Re: Mac OS X, DOS tools start X11, this is silly...

caveman wineforum-user at winehq.org
Wed Sep 9 17:24:33 CDT 2009

doh123 wrote:
> I can't say I totally understand what your trying to do, but...
> why run DOS tools in Wine?  I've found DOS stuff runs better in DOSbox

DOSbox is an emulator, I would like to reach near native speed.
My ultimate goal is to write a bash script that calls DeflOpt as if it was a unix tool.

IFS="$(echo -e "\n\r")"
for currentfile in $*
   printf "Working on %s ======\\n" $(basename $currentfile)
   printf "Original size: %8d bytes\\n" $(stat -f "%z" "$currentfile")

   (which optipng && optipng -o7 "$currentfile") > /dev/null
   (which advpng  && advpng -z4 "$currentfile") > /dev/null
   (which pngout  && pngout  -y -ks "$currentfile") > /dev/null
   (which deflopt && deflopt     "$currentfile") > /dev/null

   printf "Final size: %8d bytes\\n" $(stat -f "%z" "$currentfile")

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