[Wine] Re: State of Steam Games

DL wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Sep 10 00:49:55 CDT 2009

Check this bug: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12453

You can try this patch with wine-1.1.15: 
I used this patch when I played half life 2 episode 1 and 2, and portal, and they all run with 40+ FPS.

This patch is a newer version that works with later wine versions:

I haven't personally tried it, but people use it for left4dead with minor graphic bugs.1 person suggested that it doesn't work so well after wine-1.1.24, so you might want to try with that version, if a newer version doesn't work so well.
Also you can try adding -dxlevel 81 or -dxlevel 70  to the commandline for TF2, which won't require any patches, but I'm not sure if it works with TF2.

Also the original Half-Life 2 runs at 60+ fps without patches for me, so wine working with 1 source engine game, doesn't necessarily mean it will work well with another.Of course, there were issues with half-life 2's performance for a long time, but I'm guessing that the patch that fixed HL2, wasn't complete enough to fix the newer source games.

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