[Wine] champions online starting, but sleeping

profpedantic wineforum-user at winehq.org
Mon Sep 14 23:48:32 CDT 2009

I' ve just recently started using linux, so my knowledge is limited.

however, i have installed wind on Linux Mint 7.  i may have installed the wrong one because i installed the ubuntu version and not the debian version.  if this is the case.  well, that may be part of the problem.

all the same, i downloaded the game from direct2drive, just as i did when i was in windows 7 RC.  i extracted, found the setup.exe file, ran it in wine and everything installed seemingly very well.  but, when i click on the Champions Online icon, i initially got the message asking if it was a trusted program, clicked yes, then nothing.

I checked in system monitor and saw that a Champions Online process was there, but it was "Sleeping."  i tried stopping and starting it again, but it kept going to "Sleeping."  other programs, linux ones, are running fine.  so it seems to be " working,"  but it never brings up the game or the login info, etc.

i guessed that since it was another MMO, it should work similar to WoW, i haven't tried that yet, but will give it a go to see if the same problem arises.

thanks for any help in advance

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