[Wine] Wine Question - Virus/Diable temporarily

Gert van den Berg wine-users at mohag.net
Mon Sep 21 14:43:39 CDT 2009

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 18:46, DaVince <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
> Something that makes your Wine installation a lot safer to use is by removing the Z: association to /. Wine can't write to most directories from / anyway, but your other partitions or disks in /media/ will become inaccessible through Wine so the only thing viruses could then do it trash your /home/user. And if you back that up regulary you should be just fine from there on.
If they are not using native code... (Which is highly unlikely, but possible)

Since you are usually using Linux for web browsing, etc and should not
be running random downloads from the internet (Try your package
manager first if you want an application..), you should still be a lot
safer than under Windows..

Installing and running an antivirus is probably a the best defense
(ClamAV should be enough...), but DaVince's trick should contain most
Windows viri to your Wine install...For the truly paranoid, running
Wine under a separate user with the minimum permission might work...


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