[Wine] Re: current state of Ubuntu Sound -- my experience

vitamin wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Sep 24 23:03:38 CDT 2009

jorl17 wrote:
> Well, yes, that's pretty much why many of us fail to have something run: Because of different hardware and conditions. In short, while I have never had issues, I probably have always had decent hardware and modules over here...

I've yet to see anyone who had major issues with bare _working_ ALSA and  completely removed pulseaudio. And seen a lot of people with pulseaudio who having all sorts of issues. With only few people who say "everything" is working for them.

To reiterate, pulseaudio might be the next best thing since the sliced bread. But it sure add lots of broken configurations to the mix. Lets keep known broken things to a minimum (Wine + windows apps).

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