[Wine] How to fix the SSL/https problem?

Frédéric Delanoy frederic.delanoy at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 02:58:38 CDT 2010

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:47, Schuttwegraeumer
<wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
> That's not really helpfull here.   :(
> I never made my own builts because it was not nessesary.

You might try wine 1.3.0 to see if that changes something, and/or use
another WINEPREFIX (check the FAQ
for instructions, particularly sections 7.x) before doing all
regression testing.

> to set up the build environment is not easy for a beginner like me.
> It looks like i am the only user with this problem.
> that means that the bug will not be found and fixed in usefull time.

Well the bug won't be fixed soon if you're the only one with the
problem, and you're not willing to assist with regression testing.
Remember wine is a volunteers project.
If you have problems following the regression docs / if they are not
clear, you can/should always report them, so we can make them better.

> I will stop the bug search for a while because the 1.0.1 works well for me.

That's your choice, although 1.2/1.3.0 will probably work better for
many other applications.


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