[Wine] Installing .msiexec file

Bob Benjamin benjie1 at cox.net
Fri Aug 6 14:06:38 CDT 2010

         OK Will do. Any chance that it would work in Fedora fc 13?  
Tks       Bob

On 08/06/2010 02:54 PM, dimesio wrote:
> Bob Benjamin wrote:
>> More info. In Wine, clicking Drive_C brings up a box with "files of
>> type" and a drop down arrow. The only files there are .exe and .exe.so
>> Nothing else drops down. No .msi. Adding the ispq9.msi doesn't help.
>> Wonder if this means Wine doesn't accept or know about the .msi. If this
>> is a dumb question. it's because I'm a Newbie and really just guessing.
>> Tks for the help and patience! :-)           Bob
> You said the msi file was on your desktop. That's not part of wine's fake C: drive.
> I downloaded the file and got the same results as you. File a bug.

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