[Wine] Font issue in Half-Life 2 via Wine 1.3.0

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 8 18:47:33 CDT 2010

r2rX wrote:
> Instead of being an insensitive ass, I have added a comment on Aaron's bug report, as well as confirming that the 10.6's also do not work. This bug stems from 10.6 onwards.
> Thanks Aaron; and apologies James.
No problem.  I have two ATI cards here and neither can be 'removed' as 
they are in laptops.  The first is an ATI Rage Mobility in an older 
Thinkpad and the other is in my MacBookPro.  So, I do have concerns 
about the Catalyst drivers and their apparent lack of functionality and 
how they can mess up Wine. 

I'll go visit Aaron's bug report and see if there is any progress.  
AMD/ATI should be adding onto and not removing code (unless it breaks 
new code) for their older video cards.  They have to remember not 
everyone is a gamer nor does everyone want or need the latest/greatest 
video card.


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