[Wine] Can't install program from CDROM / DVD

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 14 17:22:51 CDT 2010

Cosmo Lee wrote:
> Martin & James:
> Thanks for your responses guys.  Unfortunately, neither solution fixed the problem.  I tried both of them, but still got the identical problem. 
> Oddly, when I actually clicked to begin the installation, the DVD drive spun up, but then the pop-up message again indicates "Disk Not Found"....
> HOWEVER, I think I may have found the source of the problem.  In checking things out on an actual Win XP box I noticed something VERY odd.  When 
> I explored the DVD with XP, the DVD appears to have 8 hidden folders which do not show up in Linux.  Even running `ls -lai` the additional 
> directories don't appear.  When I viewed the DVD with the graphical Nautilus file browser the directories were also not revealed, even though I had the 
> "Show hidden files" option engaged.  
> $ ls -lai
> total 82390
>  834 drwxr-xr-x 12 4294967295 4294967295      924 2009-08-14 06:16 .
> 9747 drwxr-xr-x  4 root       root           4096 2010-08-12 21:24 ..
>  836 drwxr-xr-x  2 4294967295 4294967295      452 2009-08-10 03:55 Installation and Activation Documentation
>  837 -rwxr-xr-x  1 4294967295 4294967295     4774 2009-08-13 13:13 Komplete 6 Installation Readme.txt
>  838 dr-xr-xr-x  3 4294967295 4294967295      136 2009-08-13 05:17 Komplete 6 Installer Mac.mpkg
>  839 -rwxr-xr-x  1 4294967295 4294967295 84350616 2009-08-14 10:35 Komplete 6 Setup PC.exe
> Here, under XP I run `dir /a:d` to show all (including hidden) directories:
> C:>dir /a:d e:
>  Volume in drive E is Komplete 6
>  Volume Serial Number is 78E4-8DE7
>  Directory of E:\
> 08/10/2009  03:55 AM              Installation and Activation Documentation
> 08/13/2009  05:17 AM              Komplete 6 Installer Mac.mpkg
> 08/14/2009  04:21 AM              Kontakt 4 Library Band Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:21 AM              Kontakt 4 Library Choir Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:21 AM              Kontakt 4 Library Orchestral Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:22 AM              Kontakt 4 Library Synth Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:22 AM              Kontakt 4 Library Urban Beats Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:22 AM              Kontakt 4 Library Vintage Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:22 AM              Kontakt 4 Library World Patches.pkg
> 08/14/2009  04:32 AM              sub installers
>                0 File(s)              0 bytes
>               10 Dir(s)               0 bytes free
These are Mac installation files.  It is interesting that Linux could 
not 'see' these as the entries and files are usually in standard ISO9660 
file format.

James McKenzie

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