[Wine] WoW Tunneling services in Wine?

Bosk wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Aug 19 23:13:30 CDT 2010

G'day guys,

I'm a long time WoW windows xp player and have recently made the switch to Wine/Ubuntu. I normally use a WoW tunnelling service (Lowerping, Battleping or Smoothping) to lower my WoW ping from the 400's to the 200's. (I'm in Australia which is why pings are so high)

Although I've managed to get WoW up and running in Wine just fine (no hardware cursor yet but I'm working on it) I have so far had zero luck getting any of these tunneling programs to work under Wine. Well, actually that's not entirely true - Smoothping does work (it uses Freecap & Putty) but when logging into WoW after following all the Smoothping instructions WoW just sits there at the login screen and does nothing.

Although my "native" ping is almost 100ms lower in Wine/Ubuntu than it was in XP (a welcome improvement) it is still nearly 100ms higher in Wine/Ubuntu than it was on XP using a tunneling service.
I'm hoping that by getting some sort of tunneling service to work in Wine I can lower my ping still further.

Would anyone have any suggestions as to how I can resolve this situation please?
Many thanks for your time.

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