[Wine] World of Warcraft strange disconnect

James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 20 10:49:04 CDT 2010

nuanda73 <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
>Sent: Aug 20, 2010 4:52 AM
>To: wine-users at winehq.org
>Subject: [Wine]  Re: World of Warcraft strange disconnect
>James McKenzie wrote:
>> Open Winecfg (run wine winecfg or winecfg) in a terminal session.
>> Click on the drives tab and state back what D: is mapped to.  It looks 
>> like the files are in the wrong place.
>I have C:,Z: etc all originally wine drive. The D: point to WoW folder for short folder and filenames. The icon messages
>is not errors.
They look that way to me.
>> BTW, did you copy your WoW program directory to work with Wine?  If so, 
>> DON'T DO THAT.  It does not work. 
>Im tested copied, and wine installed, and Cedega installed versions, and tested running from windows partition. The game
>start perfect, good fps, and low latency (50-60 ms) but few minutes after im dc-ing.
What is the problem, in layman's terms.  Is the game running just 'fine' and then 'all of a sudden' you get disconnected?  We need to see the log file from that time, not on program startup.  This means you have to start from a terminal session and then create a log file (I'm sure it will be huge, but that is the advantage of using Linux, you can remove the unnecessary bits using editors.)  Then post the log file to a site like pastebin.com and then post the URL to the file here.
This saves space and we can determine if a bug report is required by looking at the file.

The process of creating a logging file is described here:


Also, we only support Wine installed versions of the game (even with Steam.)  Some programs will not work if copied from a Windows installation (I understand that WoW does not write registry keys, but there are other problems that can arise from using copied media.)  This is so we are certain that the problem does not lie in a poor installation that was done in Windows or from file permission restrictions.  Yes, there is a section on the WoW page on how to copy and move, and that is just fine for troubleshooting purposes.  We do not support and cannot legally support Cedega installations.  We don't have the knowledge to determine if the problem lies with their program or Wine.

James McKenzie

James McKenzie

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