[Wine] Re: empire total war stuck at startup (copyright) page

krenault35 wineforum-user at winehq.org
Tue Aug 24 08:49:17 CDT 2010

Somehow the instructions I saw in the AppDB are no longer there. The link to that is 


It told me to add these values to HKEY_CURRENT_USER//Software//Wine//Direct3D

"VideoDescription"="NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT"

which I did. 

To see if it is these changes that are preventing me from running the games, I deleted them and ran the game. Now i have a C++ R6034 error message. 

Also, I went to the page with the bug report. I don't really know how to install the patch of the bug (I see it is an attachment to the bug but I don't know how to install it)

Please help. Thanks

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