[Wine] Wine distro with MS WOS look and feel

mitcoes wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Aug 26 04:53:38 CDT 2010

i think that if a distribution with MS WOS XP and 7 look and feel based on Gnome and Ubuntu or debian is released a lot of people would migrate.

People is comdortable with what they know, even Gnome is easy to use, they like Control panel, Documents and Settings and Start vuttons from MS WOS.

If program Icons should be in desktops, an start button with a control panel, My documents and so one, where Linux programs should be and If you want to install a program for wine it will put the icon in the desktop and programs fordelrs. A Linux running, but very little diference between using XP or 7 for users.

Of course a differnt add/remove programs for linux and wine in the control panel, but a non traumatic experience for lamers should be a great advance for this project.

Thanks in advance if anyone begins this distro - or patch or script - there are some scripts for gnome, but not enough, and of course not the integration with wine.

Of course a My PC with virtual units, that, in my opinion should be in a /home partition, and with a D: for the CD -rom, E for programa files, and F for My documents and Program data for a good experience in a long term upgrade install.

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