No subject

Thu Aug 26 14:16:51 CDT 2010

- the Ribbon Menu (the one used in RibbonNotePad demo) doesn't work
- the subitems doesn't work
- ribbon drop downs in general doesn't work
- ribbon hints doesn't work

In the attched screenshots you can see what in Windows works ok and not on Wine. I put 4 screenshots called Win1, Win2, Win3, Win4 that show the correct behaviour of RibbonNotePadDemo in Windows 7, and I put a screenshot of clicking on Application Menu in Wine/Linux.
download zip from here:

I attach here also a test .exe that has only the functions that are misbehaving (in order to let you test just what is the problem)

I've also asked to the developer of the component about this issue.. but I got no answer. 

Since more or less all of what I need inside the software works, I just need to solve this graphical issue.

any help is appreciated.



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