[Wine] Marking .exe on cd-rom installation as executable

Grglbrgl wineforum-user at winehq.org
Sun Sep 5 14:00:40 CDT 2010

Like the subject says, I know its possible for the specific program I have, I just don't remember how to do it, or maybe don't know. I have wine installed, and it is configured to notice the program in D: drive.

Here is what appears when I try to find welcome.exe in terminal:

kade at kade-desktop:~$ wine D:\\welcome.exe
Warning: could not find DOS drive for current working directory '/home/kade', starting in the Windows directory.
wine: cannot find 'D:\welcome.exe'

And if I try to activate it from the drive or the folder, it says not marked as executable. The last time I did it I dragged and dropped the .exe into terminal after tryping "winecfg" or something like that, and it worked fine- but I can't recall what I typed.

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